It is getting personal now between Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal. All heavy weights of Ecommerce players are fighting a tough battle and this time it is Big Billion Day. While Flipkart has launched big billion day sale on diwali festive season from last 3 weeks. the big billion day campaign is hijacked by, yes. the domain of redirecting to Snapdeal is also not behind . You can see the adverts floating around it. This is a very intense war. Funding is huge for all three and all of them want to be bigger than other two.
Snapdeal ad read “For others it’s a big day. For us, today is no different.”
While Amazon is running Mission to Mars campaign Oct 6-8 , 2014
This is not the first time when this kind of war has come out openly in public. Flipkart has put some hoarding nearby Banglore airport when Jeff Bezos , the Man behind amazon landed in India Silicon Valley came down in Bangalore.