Ex-Flipkart duo Mukesh Bansal and Ankit Nagori joined together to startup a new venture and this time it is healthcare. Mukesh Bansal was head of commerce in Flipkart and Ankit Nagori was chief Business officer . Both of the them are next in line after Sachin and Binny Bansals in Flipkart. They are pooling $5M to startup this healthcare , fitness and sports venture . Company will be formed in next month and launch of Mobile app will be in next year.
Commenting on the new venture Ankit Nagori said, " The spending towards healthcare, fitness and sports will be close to 7-8% of Indian GDP . Our aim is to touch and improve billions lives. We will keep focus on other ventures into Education and skill development also."
"We have a good relationship with Flipkart and we discussed with all key stakeholder what we want to do. There is lot to do in India to improve and organize businesses. We are looking at 10 years horizon for betterment of these businesses. " said Mukesh Bansal.
Mukesh Bansal and Ankit Nagori left Flipkart , almost a months ago in February post as a part of restructuring process where Binny Bansal taken charge as CEO of Flipkart.